Can I Do a Batch Upload to Youtube?

Batch upload videos to youtube using Youtube Uploader

Recently I had a customer that asked that the documentation of the application I made for them to be on videos posted privately on YouTube.

That'southward no problem...

Only at that place is the inconvenience of having to upload videos one by i using the YouTube interface.

That's why I recurred to the YouTube Uploader tool. To be able to script the upload of all the videos.

Youtube Uploadeer Home page

So lets see how you tin grab this tool and how tin you install it to upload videos to Youtube from the control line.


  • Installation
  • Create Google's Developers Business relationship
  • Create a new Client ID and Cloak-and-dagger for Youtube Uploader
  • Enable the Youtube API
  • Create OAuth credentials
  • Configure your workspace
  • Uploading your starting time file
  • Adjacent Uploads
  • Summary
  • Interesting Parammeters


YouTube Uploader is written in Go. And if a tool is written in Go it'due south very, very likely that the product is a binary file and that is multi platform.

This is exactly the case with YouTube Uploader. The download its but a zipped binary file. And there are multiple binary files, one for each architecture.

So the installation consist in:

  • Download the correct binary from it's GitHub Releases page.
  • Place the binary somewhere where you tin execute it
  • At that place is no third step.
                          # The Mac version is suffixed by mac_amd64              curlicue              -o -Fifty              unzip                  mv              youtubeuploader_mac_amd64 youtubeuploader              chmod              755              youtubeuploader              # Brand it executable              sudo              mv              youtubeuploader /usr/local/bin youtubeuploader -5          

The complete installation steps

Create Google's Developers Business relationship

Before we starting time to upload videos to YouTube, we need to qualify the tool using an API key. And for that yous need to take an account in Google's Developer Console.

So if you lot don't have an account there still. Go and create one... Done? proficient, lets motion on.

Create a new Customer ID and Clandestine for Youtube Uploader

Youtube Uploader uses OAuth to cosign itself to Youtube. This means that y'all have to create a Client ID and a Secret in Google Developer Console.

And then start by creating a new project for this.

Creation of a new project 1/2

Creation of a new project 2/2

Really, creating a project is not required, but its a good idea in case y'all have any security issue.

Enable the Youtube API

At present that nosotros have a new project, head over to the API library by clicking on Library on the Left Sidebar

API Library

And look for YouTube Information API V3

Youtube API Library

And enable information technology

Enable YouTube API

Create OAuth credentials

Starting time of all, be sure that you are nonetheless on the Youtube API configuration then select Create Credentials for a OAuth Customer

Create credentials OAuth Client ID

On the next screen select Spider web Awarding

OAuth Web Application

Give information technology a proper name and employ the callback http://localhost:8080/oauth2callback. This is very important!.

Select OAuth Callback

Finally take a not of the Client API ID and the Underground since we're going to need them on the next step.

OAuth id and secret

Configure your workspace

Youtube Uplaoder needs 2 files on your local file system in order to work:

  • An client_secrets.json file
  • A request.token file

This files have to exist placed in the directory where you are going to execute the control.

The creation of the client_secrets.json is pretty straight forrad. Just use a text editor to create the file with the following structure:

                          {              "installed"              :              {              "client_id"              :              "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"              ,              "client_secret"              :              "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"              ,              "redirect_uris"              :              [              "http://localhost:8080/oauth2callback"              ]              ,              "auth_uri"              :              ""              ,              "token_uri"              :              ""              }              }                      

Create the client_secrets.json

Remember to change YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET for your actual data:

A real client_secrets.json file

The request.token file volition be created for u.s. in the start upload. Meaning, the next step.

Uploading your beginning file

As I said before, when you upload your starting time file, the request.token will go created. That's why the offset upload is so of import.

And so take a .mp4 file at hand and execute the post-obit upload command:

            youtubeuploader -filename              "my-local-file.mp4"              -title              "This is my first vide"                      

Manifestly, change the proper name of the file and the title accordingly

Upload command

Youtube Uploader volition open a new browser window asking to select an account to use for the uploading:

Select upload account browser window

Y'all'll go a certificate error which is pretty normal in our example

Certificat error browser windows

And so you'll get asked if you want to grant upload permissions to Youtube Uploader

Grant upload permissions

And then a success bulletin of permissions granted:

Permissions granted window

In that moment. The request.token will get created, and your file will first uploading.

File uploading

You can bank check that the request.token got created

Request Token created

Adjacent Uploads

Fortunately the Auth section for Youtube Uploader merely has to be executed once. Merely you have to remember to go along the client_secrets.json and your asking.token effectually!

Otherwise yous have to go trough the potency role again.


So to use Youtube Uploader you just take to:

  • Create a Google Programmer Business relationship
  • Enable the YouTube API library
  • Create an OAuth Customer ID and Secret for Youtube
  • Create a client_secrets.json file with the Client ID and Surreptitious
  • Execute the upload control to create the asking.token
  • Salve those 2 files for future uploads
  • Unless specified, the uploaded videos are individual

Interesting Parammeters

You tin get a consummate list of the supported parammeters by executing

But hither is a list of the virtually useful ones:

  • -description "The description" If none specified the description will exist Uploaded by Youtubeuploader
  • -filename /path/to/video/file.mp4 The local file to upload
  • -privacy <individual|public|unlisted> One of private, public, unlisted
  • -secrets /path/to/client_secrets.json When you have the .json file on another directory
  • -title "The video title"
  • -thumbnail /path/or/url/to/thumbnail.png Yous can upload the thumbnail also


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